Nowadays the construction of skyscrapers have become a widespread phenomenon, we have never seen so much skyscrapers being built all over the world before, skyscrapers are no longer confined to American cities like in the last century, when the majority of tall buildings are located in the United States, today even many traditional European cities have their own skyscrapers built. Apart from the astonishing amount, the height is getting higher and higher, many cities in China are constructing skyscrapers taller than 500m, and even the height of Burj Khalifa cannot keep it the tallest building in the world longer, there are already some skyscraper projects proposed with heights of more than a kilometer.
As to the maximum height of skyscraper, this article gives a good answer and explanations.
In the article the author proved that a skyscraper could be built to at least as tall as the tallest natural mountain, as long as the base of the structure is large enough like a mountain, in combination with a tapering shape in order to reduce the intensity of pressure on the soil ground. And skyscrapers are far lighter than solid mountains, a skyscraper is mainly composed of air, weighing only around 15 percent of a mountain, so it could be 6.67 times taller when the weight is same as a solid mountain, by this way a skyscraper could be built to nearly 59 thousand meters tall (6.67 times of the height of Mount Everest), that's 150 times of the height of the Empire State Building, how crazy it is.

However the skyscrapers are not mountains, there are many factors preventing them from having a base as large as that of a mountain.
First, skyscrapers are supposed to accommodate people, which means the natural light is a vital factor to be considered by architects or developers. If a building's base is wide as a mountain, there'll be large amount of floor space lacking of natural lights, nobody wants to live in dark rooms, maybe only suitable for some shopping malls, conference center, in which light illumination are largely used.
Second, this kind of skyscrapers will be visually unappealing, many people and social groups will protest against it.
And the most vital factor is the financial difficulties, which is also the lots of skyscraper projects are facing. This factor comes from two aspects, respectively are the scarcity of the land and high cost on the construction. On average a standard skyscraper occupies an area of 2000 square meters, in some cities like New York such a plot requires up to 500 million dollars, and the cost for construction ranges from some 300 million to over a billion, a skyscraper with a base as large as Mount Fuji equals to thousands of standard skyscrapers, which real estate developer in the world has so much money to build it? Today developers are struggling to secure the funds to build those standard size skyscrapers, and in New York City, most of newly built towers are super skinny as they are easier to build and highly profitable.

So taking the mountain as the reference to estimate the maximum height of skyscraper seems very unreliable.
We can't take those normal mountains as the reference, then how could we estimate the limit to the heights of skyscrapers?
Thanks to our amazing nature, there are some bizarre mountains in the world. Some of them appear like normal skyscrapers.
A relatively notable example is the Mount Hallelujah in Hunan, China, see the picture below:
You may feel familiar with this when you look at it, yes, it is actually the inspiration for the floating Hallelujah Mountains in the film Avatar, it was formerly called Southern Sky Column and renamed to its current name in 2010 after Avatar became very popular.
The shape of the giant stone pillar is very similar to a skyscraper, it stands 150 meters with no tapering, which is measured from its foot to the peak while the elevation surpassing 1000 meters, which cannot be seen as the height of the pillar itself.
150 meters seems too short, let's see another one:

These three giant stone pillars are situated on a mountain named Mount Jianglang in Zhejiang Province of China.
These rock towers are much taller than Hallelujah mountain, the tallest one is 369m measured from the stone's foot to the peak, the one in the middle even tapers towards the ground.
Even this is still far from being the tallest rock towers in the world, so let's see what the tallest rock towers look like, shown in the picture below.
These three rock towers are known as the Torres del Paine (Towers of Paine), located in Magallanes Region, Chile.
The central tower appears more like a skyscraper than the other two towers, it reaches 2460m (8070 ft) in elevation, and the tower itself is estimated to be around 1200m tall.
Now we know the world's tallest natural structure in the shape of a skyscraper is about 1200m tall, take it as the reference and given the fact that the solid stone is 6.67 times heavier than a building, it can be estimated that a skyscraper could be built to about 8000 meters, by roof height.
If the building is designed to utilize some special stable shape like the Y-shape of Burj Khalifa, or spiral shape of Shanghai Tower, the height limit could be even higher.
Therefore theoretically it is still possible to build a ultra-tall skyscraper that exceeds 10,000 meters without using exaggerated tapering shape like Mount Fuji.
The factor of elevators is considered a main reason that stops skyscrapers go higher, the experts say the maximum travel length of elevators is no more than 2000 feet by current technology, if use the newly invented carbon fiber cable, this length could still hardly surpass 1000m.
In fact a 10000m tower itself is a city, people do not need to leave the building frequently everyday, hence this is not a problem, eventually we could see a 10000m ultra-tall skyscraper built.
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