6 Most Futuristic Cities in the World

What will cities in the future be like is something unknown, but we can always predict how they will look like. From some science fiction films, we have got glimpses of the cities in the future, in most of these films, the cities in the future are depicted as...

New York City’s Futuristic Buildings

Here are some of the most futuristic buildings in New York City, looking at them you may feel that these buildings are out of Sci-Fi films. All of these buildings are built after 2010. Via 57 West Via 57 West is a residential building on the western end of...

Vertical Cemetery – Graves in High Rise Towers

With the growth of population and urban expansion, today many countries are facing the problem of scarcity of available land. It's not just a problem for the living, but also the dead, some countries like England, Norway, Greece are running out of available burial plots. In other countries where...