The developer had said the tower will be topped out in July 2017, but judged by its current height the date of topping out will possibly be bring forward to as soon as in May.

While the core tube has yet to reach 500m mark, the crane cabs have already surpassed that and currently hovering at 520 meters from the ground.

It can be clearly seen that China Zun is already much taller than the China World Trade Center Tower, which was the tallest building in Beijing, in the following picture China Zun Tower is in a much longer distance but the roof of the tower still reaches the same horizon line with China World Trade Center Tower.

Below is how it looks in the distance. We know that if you stand too close to a building, even it has only a few stories you still need to look up too see it. Hence the disparity between the tall tower and shorter buildings can only be seen from a distance. In the picture below the buildings which situated close to it are all over 200 meters high, but look so small in comparison with it.

Although the core tube of the tower is close to top out, there are still lots of works left, such as constructing the structures enclosing the core tube at the upper portion and the installation for cladding. The shape of the tower was inspired from the Zun, a sort of ancient vessel that used in some religious rites, looking like slim waist, the upper portion and the bottom portion are wider than the middle, the floor plates are much larger on the upper floors, hence it will cost a considerable time to complete. China Zun is expected to be completed in mid 2018.
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