Maze Bank Tower is the tallest building in the world of Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, the tower’s rooftop is the highest point of the city of Los Santos, you can get there to enjoy the aerial views of the city, take some pictures, or to escape from the police of LSPD. Besides, accessing the roof is a necessity to do one of the side missions in the game.

In the era of GTA San Andreas, the tower’s top can be easily accessed by getting to a yellow marker at the entrance of the tower, the roof will be presented in front of you immediately.
However, in GTA V, there’s no such a yellow marker that can take you to the roof, you also can’t find any elevators or stairways to reach there. In normal conditions, the only way to get to the top of Maze Bank Tower is to fly there via a helicopter, plane, or blimp. You may also be able to fly there via an Oppressor Mk II in GTA Online, and elevators will also become accessible if you purchased the office in Maze Bank Tower, but this article focuses on methods that can also be used in story mode.

Below are 4 methods to get to the top of the Maze Tower.
1. Fly a Helicopter
Flying a helicopter is the most used option to get on top of the Maze Tower, you just need to get a helicopter first.
The easiest way is getting a Buzzard Attack Chopper using cheat (For PC version, press tilde and type BUZZOFF), after that just fly it towards the top of the Maze Tower.
If you don’t want to use cheat, you can either purchase a helicopter or steal one, the nearest place to get a helicopter is the helipads on the Central Los Santos Medical Center.
Once you arrived this building, you need to climb one or two ladders from the ground to reach the helipads, sometimes the helicopters may not spawn there, in that case, try to leave the area a few blocks away then go back there and the helicopter will possibly be there, but sometimes it still won’t show up even after several visits, then you have to go to other helicopter locations, which are all listed on this page.
2. Fly a plane
The second option is to get an airplane, you can steal or hijack an airplane in Los Santos International Airport, it’s recommended to get a smaller plane, as larger ones are difficult to land on roof of the building. But it’s not necessary to land the plane onto the building, you can first fly the plane over the Maze Tower and jump out of the cab to parachute to the roof, before you doing this you need to buy a parachute in advance (parachutes are automatically equipped after the mission Minor Turbulence).

Note that the parachuting method should not be used if your purpose of getting to the roof of the tower is to meet Dom Beasley there, because parachuting will make the plane explode on the street and then trigger a wanted level, in that case Dom will not show up on the tower.
3. Fly an Atomic Blimp
Aside from flying a helicopter or an airplane, the Atomic Blimp can also be used to fly to the building’s roof easily. The blimps and helicopters are generally considered easier to control compared to a plane, though the blimp is much slower than other aircraft.

The blimp can be ordered on an app on the phone, and then pick up it in the Vinewood Racetrack (in the enhanced version of the game, it can be acquired for free by calling the Blimp contact on the phone and then picking it from the location shown on the map). You can also hijack a NPC blimp, though it’s not as easy as hijacking a car.
4. Drive to the rooftop via a mega ramp
This method can only be used on PC version of GTA V, as it requires you to install a mod, once the ramp mod is installed, a mega ramp that connects the ground to the rooftop of Maze Tower will appear in the game.

Now you no longer necessarily need to obtain an aircraft to get to the top of Maze Tower, you can simply drive a normal car to the start point of mega ramp on the ground, and from there drive up towards the tower’s rooftop.