This page or category is aimed to provide the detailed information of any certain skyscraper, telecom tower, the information of buildings included in this site are all listed below, click any of these buildings to see the detailed information of that building.
Currently most of these buildings in this page are supertall towers, supertall refers to the buildings or telecom towers that exceeding 300 m in height. A well known supertall is US Bank Tower, which is 310 m tall, slightly taller than 300 m supertall mark, many people have seen it in the video game Grand Theft Auto series or films, as well as in reality when traveling in Los Angeles.

In some cases some skyscrapers have unique appearance and value of tourism are also included into this category.
Ten years ago, a building taller than 300 m can be rarely found in most cities, now with a global construction boom supertall skyscrapers gradually become an essential element of modern cities. These supertall skyscrapers greatly beautify and enrich the cities' cityscapes by their significant heights and majestic appearance.
In a sense the quantity and heights of skyscrapers can represent a city's power, from global perspective, the majority of powerful cities have built their own supertalls, such as London, Tokyo, Moscow. With the exception of European cities where the historic buildings are well protected, the cases in which the construction sites of tall buildings are rarely found in a city usually occur in a time of economic downturn.
Aside from its fundamental function of being served as the residences, hotels, retail, there are many other precious functions of a supertall skyscraper that listed below:
• Landmark.
Many skyscrapers become the landmarks of the cities where they located in. As the landmark, they can effectively enhance a city's awareness in the world.
• Filming site.
Supertalls can provide shooting sites for some special scenes for films due to their impressve heights, many skyscrapers have been chosen as the filming site for some breathtaking scenes,e.g. King Kong, Impossible Mission, additionally film will use them to tell the audience the cities where the story takes place.
• Tourism/Observation.
More and more skyscrapers' uppermost floors have been designed to be the observation decks either at the first, e.g. Burj Khalifa or being transformed to observation decks in the later, e.g. US Bank Tower.
As of now this page or category are still at infant phase with only a few buildings included, however there are more being added constantly.